About Me

Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom
HR Apprentice. Ex Media Studies student at Swansea University. This blog is a collection of links, articles, academic reference and random thoughts.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Israelis get four times more water than Palestinians, says World Bank report | World news | guardian.co.uk

Report on guardian.co.uk : regarding the desperate plight of some Palestinians who are receiving inadequate water supplies from Israeli sources

"In some areas of the West Bank, Palestinians are surviving on as little as 10 to 15 litres a person each day, which is at or below humanitarian disaster response levels recommended to avoid epidemics. In Gaza, where Palestinians rely on an aquifer that has become increasingly saline and polluted, the situation is worse. Only 5%-10% of the available water is clean enough to drink.
The World Bank report, published last month, provoked sharp criticism from Israel, which disputed the figures and the scale of the problem on the Palestinian side. But others have welcomed the study and its findings"

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Twitter Etiquette: Five Dos and Don'ts

Twitter Etiquette: Five Dos and Don'ts - :
Good article on Cio website informing Twitter beginners of the basic rules of etiquette for the service,

like any social network, the Twitter community has its own set of unwritten guidelines — or etiquette — that dictates good (or bad) behavior on the service. Some people call it Twittequette. So before you stick a foot measuring 140-characters-or-less in your mouth, check out their advice on how to follow and un-follow, share politely, direct message appropriately, and more"
Twitter Etiquette: Five Dos and Don'ts - :

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

US churches use Twitter to reach a wider audience - Telegraph

US churches use Twitter to reach a wider audience - Telegraph: "American churches are embracing Twitter, the micro-blogging website, in an attempt to reach congregations in acts of worship of 140 or fewer characters."

Pastors in Westwinds Community Church in Michigan have turned to Twitter, as a way of connecting with the congregation and adressing the problem of declining attendance figures. The social networking site allows users to send messages to each other which are no longer than 140 characters and the church encourages congregants to ask questions about a sermon that the pastor can answer later. Alternatively, they can "tweet" during the service in case another worshipper can provide enlightenment, Of the church's 900 adult members, 150 are now tweeting.

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Global Voices Online » Palestine
