About Me
- Budding genius
- Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom
- HR Apprentice. Ex Media Studies student at Swansea University. This blog is a collection of links, articles, academic reference and random thoughts.
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Gaza's humanitarian crisis
Startling statistics that shed light on the situation in Gaza. A report on the BBC website highlights the need for urgent action to prevent a humanitarian disaster in Gaza in what is described as an unprecendented crisis
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A group of UK-based human rights and development organisations have called for fundamental policy changes towards the Gaza Strip by Israel, the international community and the West Bank-based Palestinian leadership.A report sponsored by Amnesty International, Care International UK, Cafod, Christian Aid, Medecins du Monde UK, Oxfam, Save the Children UK and Trocaire, details what the organisations say is the worst humanitarian crisis in the strip since Israel occupied it in the 1967 war, and describe it as a man-made disaster resulting from the isolation and blockade of Gaza after its take-over by Hamas militants last June. The full report can be read here The Gaza Strip:A Humanitarian Implosion
The main points of the report cover the dramatic decline of social and economical indicators and flag key issues such as poverty, food aid dependency, humanitarian access,unemployment, access to basic services and medicalsupplies, They describe the situation as an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Israel, as the occupying power, is ultimately responsible for ensuring the welfare of the Palestinian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), including the 1.5 million Palestinians who live in the Gaza Strip, all of whom are protected persons.Israeli officials however contend that Israel is no longer bound by the laws of occupation since it redeployed its forces to the perimeter of the Gaza Strip in 2005. Israel does control however , The Strip's air space and territorial waters, and the movement of people and goods. The report concludes the Israeli authorities are
bound by their obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law to ensure the welfare of the Palestinian population in the OPT.
digg story
The Art of Language is dead?
Diane Mermigas: On Media » Blog Archive » Youth Speaks: If u dk what this is, gl
Diane Mermigas has written her concerns following the results of new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project. According to the report, of the 700 teens ages 12 to 17 surveyed by Pew, 85% said they engage in some form of electronic personal communications, including text messaging, sending emails and instant messages, blogging and posting comments on social networking sites. Sixty percent of those teens said they do not consider any such electronic texting to be the same as “writing,” yet 50% said they use many of the same text abbreviations and emoticons in their written school assignments and even in spoken conversations.
Is the art of language a dying form or just evolving....time will tell
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Save the Internet : Fighting for Internet Freedom
Save the Internet : Fighting for Internet Freedom
Webpage dedicated to Fighting for the right to stop corporate control of the internet. Previous articles on censorsip of new media can be found below
Operation: Budding Genius:Who controls the internet?
Operation: Budding Genius:Censorship of New Media
Monday, 28 April 2008
Mafia man too faT for prison
A court in Sicily has ruled that an accused Mafioso can be put under house arrest because he is too fat for any Italian jail.
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Sunday, 27 April 2008
Saudi blogger freed after 4 months jail: colleague
A Saudi blogger detained without charge for more than four months after expressing pro-reform opinions has been released, a colleague said on Saturday. Fouad Farhan was detained in early December after running an online campaign over 10 men arrested since February 2007 on suspicion of financing militant groups, but whose supporters say they are be
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Friday, 25 April 2008
Not Famous? Hire Your Own Papazrazzi
Hey, there's a way to get famous, or at least feel famous....
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Vicar applying for drinks licence to sell wine at church
"We have plans to serve lager and red and white wine - that is what the average punter wants."
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Russell Brand ....Shame on you!
Russell Brand | Shagger Of The Year | Beds Virgin air hostess | The Sun |HomePage|Showbiz|Bizarre
Russell Brand had been turned away from America and beds an airhostess who looked after him on the plane home. Yawn... this a man who seriously needs a good women to make an honest man of him and make his mother proud. He is getting on a bit now and losing the charm and boyish good looks of the past, its chlamidya and a lonely future for him if he does not change his ways. Shame on Russell Brand!!
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Thumbelina the world's smallest horse
She may be small, a mere 17 inches and weighing only 60 pounds. But she is all horse.'Born as a dwarf to a miniature horse, Thumbelina is officially the world’s smallest horse.
Penis theft panic hits city... - Yahoo! News
Penis theft panic hits city... - Yahoo! News
KINSHASA (Reuters) - Police in Congo have arrested 13 suspected sorcerers accused of using black magic to steal or shrink men's penises after a wave of panic and attempted lynchings triggered by the alleged witchcraft.
Welcome to Bizarre News - Home of Weird, Strange, and Stupid News!
Welcome to Bizarre News - Home of Weird, Strange, and Stupid News!
From videos to photos or just plain stupid stories this site has it all
Monday, 21 April 2008
A second summer of love: 20th anniversary of acid house | Electronic | guardian.co.uk Music
A second summer of love: 20th anniversary of acid house | Electronic | guardian.co.uk Music
Twenty years ago acid house and a new drug arrived in Britain's clubs to incite the biggest revolution in youth culture since the Sixties' summer of love. The key members of the scenes in London and Manchester talk DayGlo grins and dancing in fountains with Luke Bainbridge
BBC NEWS | Magazine | Innocent photographer or terrorist?
BBC NEWS | Magazine | Innocent photographer or terrorist?
Tom Geoghegan, BBC News magazine reports that amateur photographers are being prevented from enjoying their hobby because of misplaced fears about terror, privacy and child protection issues.The National Union of Journalists has staged a demo to highlight how media photographers are wrongly challenged by police and photography enthusiast Adam Jones has started an online petition on the Downing Street website urging the prime minister to clarify the law. This is in light of several complaints made about the police seizing and attempting to confiscate photography equipment from both camera men and the general public with out legitimite cause.
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click | Evolution of the social network
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click | Evolution of the social network
Slow down of the social networking sites may lead to the demise of current social interaction practices.
Monday, 14 April 2008
Anorak News | Anorak News
Anorak News | Anorak News: "Paul Sorene’s Anorak gives a knowing and wry take on the world of news, celebrity, money and more. It's award-winning news with irony and good writing. The site is Updated throughout the day."
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Tibetan Government in Exile's Official Web Site
Tibetan Government in Exile's Official Web Site
Further to the Olympic torch protests I have found this site which highlights the suffering of those in Tibet
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Olympic Torch fiasco
Olympic Torch Relay
The Chinese media are reporting that the Olympic torch relay in San Francisco was "successful" under enthusiastic reception of the American public, including the Chinese Americans and overseas Chinese.
Olympic torch relay concludes in San Francisco without major incidents_English_Xinhua
Another report ran with the story that thousands of people began gathering along the route of the Olympic torch relay early Wednesday morning to show their support for the torch run
Xinhua News
One torch bearer was reported as hearing a lot of cheers along the route.Is this the same torch relay which I watched on Western news channels. The one, in which the Olympic torch disappeard for half an hour and then, was paraded through the empty streets guarded by what appeared to be the whole of the San Fransisco policeforce. A game of hunt the Olympic torch was played out in front of the worlds media when the torch was then taken on board a bus and driven away from the site of the closing ceremony where both protestors and supporters had gathered to wait for his arrival. The closing ceremony allegedly took place first on a motorway overpass then the airport. Times Onlinereports The Olympic flame’s procession through San Francisco drew world-wide ridicule and the authorities seemed to panic and abruptly changed the route, cutting it by half and scrapping the closing ceremony. The International Olympic Comittee and the Beijing authorities were determined to avoid the protestors that had gathered to lend their their voice to the Free Tibet camapign, but that raises questions again about censorship and rights to free speech. In a democratic country such as The USA people reserve the right to demonstrate and protest however it seems that the government also reserve the right to drown out the voice of the people. Shame on you!!
Protest photos
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Introducing Snap Shots from Snap.com
I just installed a nice little tool on this site called Snap Shots that enhances links with visual previews of the destination site, interactive excerpts of Wikipedia articles, MySpace profiles, IMDb profiles and Amazon products, display inline videos, RSS, MP3s, photos, stock charts and more.
Sometimes Snap Shots bring you the information you need, without your having to leave the site, while other times it lets you "look ahead," before deciding if you want to follow a link or not.
Should you decide this is not for you, just click the Options icon in the upper right corner of the Snap Shot and opt-out.
Photojournalist of note - One to Watch
Simon Rees Photography | Home
Simon Rees is an up and coming UK based Photojournalist, who's images are both fresh and inspiring.
camel beauty contest
MSN Hotlist blog: UAE stages camel beauty contest
How bizarre, the United Arab Emirates are hosting their 6th annual beauty contest for camels. The prizes for the most attractive camel include cash prizes with up to nine million dollars and 100 cars up for grabs
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Monday, 7 April 2008
Blog Till they drop
In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop - New York Times
This may be a serious warning to all those in the blogosphere. Maybe it should carry a government health warning
Further discussion at Technorati
Technorati: Discussion about “In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop - New York Times”
Beijing Olympic spokesman condemns attempts to sabotage torch relay in London_English_Xinhua
Beijing Olympic spokesman condemns attempts to sabotage torch relay in London_English_Xinhua
News about the Olympic torch protests from Chinese sources. The Chinese authorities cannot control outside news reports but they put their own spin on the story
Sunday, 6 April 2008
My Blog List
Global Voices Online » Palestine
Blog Archive
- Madeleine: the (almost) true story - Telegraph
- Gaza's humanitarian crisis
- The Art of Language is dead?
- Save the Internet : Fighting for Internet Freedom
- Mafia man too faT for prison
- Saudi blogger freed after 4 months jail: colleague
- Not Famous? Hire Your Own Papazrazzi
- Vicar applying for drinks licence to sell wine at ...
- Russell Brand ....Shame on you!
- Thumbelina the world's smallest horse
- Penis theft panic hits city... - Yahoo! News
- Welcome to Bizarre News - Home of Weird, Strange, ...
- Technology News: Web 2.0: Tools and Tricks for Inf...
- A second summer of love: 20th anniversary of acid ...
- BBC NEWS | Magazine | Innocent photographer or ter...
- BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click | Evolution of the s...
- Anorak News | Anorak News
- Cosmic Finger Taps Our Galaxy's Shoulder | LiveSci...
- UK Indymedia - 'War on terror' propaganda of the B...
- Tibetan Government in Exile's Official Web Site
- Olympic Torch fiasco
- Flickr Video Launches - A Unique Experience
- Snapshots
- MTB News - Blogging the weird, odd, offbeat news, ...
- Directory of the Best Blog Sites - Blog Flux Topsites
- Photojournalist of note - One to Watch
- camel beauty contest
- Web 100
- Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things ...
- Operation: Budding Genius: Censorship of New Media
- Happy Animation Film (VFS)
- Blog Till they drop
- Beijing Olympic spokesman condemns attempts to sab...
- The Press Association: Paris torch relay facing mo...
- MSN UK News, The Week In Pictures - news & weather
- 'Tapas Seven' in new Madeleine quiz - MSN News UK ...